The visors that have decked out football athletes all over Europe!

The deal of the week for week 6 is here! 🎉

Discover the top-selling product at Reyrr. Grab yours today!

Catch everything like
Alpha Jalloh
With the Reyrr ZERO football gloves
Look like a baller!
The Reyrr Revo with Decals 2.0 is an upgraded version of the original, fitted to provide superior peripheral vision. With ultra-flexible frames and UV protection, these eye shields are seriously hard to beat!
get them here!

Our retail store

Cementvägen 18, 136 50 Jordbro

När Jakob är på plats kommer vi att öppna vårt lager för besök. Om du önskar besöka oss för att köpa, testa eller returnera varor, måste du först boka en tid med Reyrr. För att boka tid, vänligen ring och tryck 3 i meny alternativen eller skicka ett mail till

Vänligen notera att vissa produkter skickas direkt från Finland och är inte tillgängliga i Sverige. Observera också att cheerleaderskor inte kan köpas på plats.

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Schutt Varsity Flex 4.0 Skill

jeg spiller DL, og disse padsene sitter perfekt. God bevegelighet, veier så og si ingenting og putene inni gjør at de er veldig komfortable å ha på.

Petter Langdalen
Kristiansand, Norway

Nike Savage PRO 2

Allt var toppen!
Lätt att beställa, snabb leverans och skorna är otroliga - rekommenderar de till alla linjemän, de sitter toppen, är superbekväma och ger bra support.
Jag tog en storlek större än vad jag har i normala fall :)

Märsta, Sweden

Riddell SpeedFlex

Supernöjd med varorna, servicen och leveransen!

Jonathan Boudiaf
Gävle, Sweden

Riddell SpeedFlex

Supernöjd med varorna, servicen och leveransen!

Jonathan Westerfalk
Stockholm, Sweden

Reyrr Zero Football Gloves

Best gloves I've ever had!

I had the pleasure of trying the prototype version of these and they were so good i had to get a second pair. These are easily the best gloves ive used throughout my career!

Josh Akena
Stockholm, Sweden

By athletes for athletes

Why do we do it?

Frustrated by a lack of suitable football equipment to an affordable price in a monopolistic market. Fed-up with having to choose aesthetics over practicality, or durability over comfort, we decided to take matters into our own hands and start a company to satisfy every requirement,

Reyrr Athletics


The Flex Pro system is our most durable and high quality uniform. The nylon based fabrics used are comparable to the fabrics used in NCAA division 1 programs all across America.


The Mentality Pro system is our sublimated pro style uniform with the option of adding tackle twill numbers and embroidered logos. It's a great option if you're looking for a combination of durability, looks and affordability.


The Swift flag football uniform is a lightweight set that is fully customizable to meet your clubs requirements.